What’s on my Nightstand?

I’ve been letting a lot of books pile up on my shelf recently. If I won’t be getting reviews out anytime soon, I thought I could at least show everyone the books I’m constantly “getting to!” Here goes!

  1. The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson (halfway there, living on a prayer)
  2. The Tragedy of Mariam: The Fair Queen of Jewry by Lady Elizabeth Cary
  3. Renaissance Women Poets anthology by Isabella Whitney, Mary Sidney, and Aemilia Lanyer (this and the book before it are borrowed from my cousin who read them for a class)
  4. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction edited by R. V. Cassill (been lying around the house for eons)
  5. Calvin & Hobbes: En avant, tête de thon! by Bill Watterson (a gift from the same cousin)
  6. Lion Hearted by Andrew Loveridge (freebie from a Tricky Tray)
  7. The Princess of Cleves by Madame de La Fayette
  8. The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
  9. Silas Marner and Two Short Stories by George Eliot (these last three are acquisitions from a used bookstore)

What’s on your shelf? Which books are you constantly planning to read, but never reading? Tell me in the comments!

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